This is the letter I wrote to the previous PM Mr Rudd prior to the Parental Leave Scheme being approved......
Sent to Prime Minister Kevin Rudd 25 March 2009
I am expecting my third child and currently work part-time. I am disappointed to find out that the maternity payment is now means tested and I will not be eligible for any payment. I will not receive any maternity leave payments from my employer just the statuatory 12 months unpaid leave. So as a result of the government's change I am not going to receive any financial assistance for my third child even though I received the payment previously. This payment was a great help to my family’s budget and helped to pay the bills while I was on unpaid maternity leave. I may be forced to go back to work within the first twelve months of the birth of my third child as a result of this change. It is very unfair and most families appreciate this assistance and many will now miss out. I was under the impression that this payment was in lieu of any government/employer funded maternity leave payments. So much for fair rights for women! We have all of the same hospital expenses we have incurred for our first two children as well as the costs of extra car seats etc. these will now greatly burden our family budget while I have no income during my maternity leave. Very disappointed! I thought that you wanted to help working families? Our family is definitely at a disadvantage as a result of the government’s decision.
Please find below a letter I sent to the Australian Women’s Weekly back in June 2008 in regards to maternity leave which my interest you.
Dear Woman’s Weekly,
I am writing in, to put forward some of my thoughts on the great maternity leave debate! I am a mother of two and currently work part-time. With my first child I received no paid maternity leave. I did however receive the first rollout of the baby bonus. I returned to work part-time in between my first and second child, and because the company I had worked for had been taken over by a
There are so many reasons that women should be entitled to paid maternity leave. For most absences from work, there is some sort of paid leave and why should having a baby be any different? Firstly I believe that some government professions such as teaching and nursing require staff to work no later than 36 weeks gestation due to legislation/WPHS; their may also be some restrictions on the timeframe for returning to work for these same WPHS reasons.
I would think that most women if given a choice would prefer at the very minimum to not return to work in the first 6-12weeks after the birth of their child, to allow their recovery and to care for their new born. Women are usually not entitled to take any accrued sick leave for their maternity leave absence from work, and whilst they are not sick spend at least 2 days in hospital as a minimum.
Women are forced to use their annual leave and long service leave in the absence of paid maternity leave. Some employers, whilst they offer paid maternity leave, they do not pay the full amount until the employees return to work even though they have given a full year (12months) of service prior to the commencement of maternity leave.
I support both stay at home and working mothers. Both of these groups of women work equally hard to nurture the Australian adults of the future. So I propose for stay at home mothers to continue to receive the baby bonus even if it is paid in installments rather than a lump sum amount and should be equivalent to a minimum of 12 weeks paid leave. For working mums to be - why can’t they receive a tax refund in lieu of the baby bonus equivalent to 12 weeks paid maternity leave? That way it is not seen as a burden to the tax payer but a way to help all Australian families.
In the process this may encourage women to return to the workplaces they are leaving behind and we may even give women the right to choose when they return to the workplace, rather than being forced because of their financial situation. Sadly the majority of many working women’s pay goes towards their hefty childcare fees.
I believe the Association of Professional Engineers, Scientists and Managers Australia (APESMA), has told the Productivity Commission's inquiry into paid maternity leave that primary care-givers should be given 28 weeks paid leave, including two weeks before a birth.
Interesting times ahead! And I haven’t even mentioned how difficult it is for women to find part-time work in a professional capacity at the end of their maternity leave or the fact we need a change of mindset from employers for more flexible working arrangements for parents and a more practical approach for the provision of childcare.
Thanks for a great read and please keep us informed on the fight for paid maternity leave in
PS I read this great article on the ninemsn website - this might be of great interest to your readers:
I look forward to hearing your feedback and am hopeful that something will be done to bring maternity leave or a fair baby bonus for all mothers to fruition - despite the current economic crisis. There is no excuse for not moving forward in this area.
Yours faithfully,
Here is the Schemes for your perusal - The media really haven't given the public an in depth probe into these schemes and the pros and cons. So here are the links so you can see for yourself:
Coalition Scheme
It looks as though Maternity Leave payments will finally come to fruition and no matter who wins the election on August 21, the real winners are families who are about to embark on their next family member in 2011!